Care Workforce Pathway A Brief Guide

The UK government, in collaboration with Skills for Care, recently introduced the first phase of the Care Workforce Pathway. The goal of this initiative is to improve the skills and motivation of the adult social care workforce.

What is the Care Workforce Pathway?

The pathway was developed in response to a call for evidence and extensive research in the care sector. It outlines a framework including knowledge, skills, values and behaviours that are vital for success in the sector. It also includes a clearly defined progression structure. The pathway aims to reflect the realities of adult social care in the UK and build on existing good practices while evolving with changes in the sector.

Role Categories

The pathway outlines four role categories:

A: New to Care

B: Care or Support Worker

C: Supervisor or Leader

D: Practice Leader

More role categories may be developed in the future to represent deputy managers, enhanced care worker roles, etc.

The pathway details responsibilities, behaviours, knowledge and skills expected for each role. It also suggests learning and development opportunities for individuals in each role to help them progress in their careers.

Wider Workforce Reforms

The government is supporting the implementation of the pathway by funding hundreds of thousands of training places. This includes the introduction of the new Care Certificate Level 2 qualification among other courses (e.g. learning disabilities, autism and a digital skills passport).

What Happens Now?

Leaders and managers in the adult care sector can use the pathway’s framework to inform and facilitate the learning and development of their employees. Further updates from the government and Skills for Care are expected in summer 2024.

At Advantage Accreditation, we appreciate the government’s efforts to improve the opportunities for learning and development in the adult social care sector. We are committed to supporting care organisations in navigating the Care Workforce Pathway. As specialists in the sector, we can offer guidance to our centres on how to implement the pathway within their organisations. If you are interested in learning more or becoming an accredited training centre, please contact us.
