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We use a simple four step process for accreditation: centre approval, trainer approval, selection of courses and finally, you can begin delivering your accredited training. Click here to find out more about getting accredited through Advantage Accreditation.

We are constantly researching and learning to ensure our courses maintain their high standard, and to verify that content is adapted to the changing industries.

Registration is £600. We charge £1 per dual-branded certificate. Monthly pricing depends on the number of awards you desire – pricing ranges from £50 for 1 award, to £300 for 20 awards. Find out more here.

We will continue to provide support after the accreditation process. by recommending any course updates we believe would be useful to you, as well as giving you access to our online portal, through which you can manage any current training we’ve accredited. We also provide access to certificates with our accredited logo for your trainers if desired.

If training is accredited, it has gone through a series of quality checks. This involves both checking the quality of the course in terms of structure, grammar and presentation, and also ensuring the training is beneficial and fulfils its purpose. Accreditation is essentially a stamp of approval by an external, unbiased third-party.

Although not mandatory, accreditation ensures that the training you are delivering is high quality, that it benefits the trainees and that the curriculum is correct and up-to-date. Accreditation provides trainers and trainees alike with the assurance that the course being delivered is worth their while, and impactful to them.


Yes – all the courses we offer here at Advantage are accredited against both our own criteria, as well expert bodies, National Occupational Standards, government legislation and regulation and the Regulated Qualifications Framework. We strive to ensure the courses we provide are of top quality and that our curriculum benefits our clients.

Yes – all of our courses count towards CPD and can be equated to CPD points.

In order to start delivering Advantage courses, you must first register online and seek centre approval in order to become a centre, and also ensure all trainers on the course complete a train the trainer course with us. Once we have accredited your course, we will give you access to our portal and allow you to deliver your course as an Advantage accredited course.


Yes – Once you have registered for CDP accreditation with us, we will complete an audit on your submitted training materials, and provide feedback and advice on any required updates needed in order for you to market your training as CDP accredited. To find out more about the sectors we accredit, take a look at our CPD accreditation brochure.

At Advantage accreditation, we do not offer our own CDP courses – however we can accredit your own, original courses.

CPD hours are calculated based on how long it typically takes to complete a course. CPD hours are then equated to CPD points- for each CPD hour, students on the course will receive 1 CPD point.

Our membership pricing per year varies from £495 for one event, to £5000 for 100 events. We also offer monthly membership payments at no extra cost. All of these prices are subject to VAT. To find out more, take a look at our CDP accreditation brochure.

We provide CDP accreditation for almost every industry, including, but not limited to: education, finance, legal, science, fire, hospitality, and many more.

CPD activities are often required by employers and companies, and so it is important that these courses are quality checked by a third-party to ensure they are developing employees knowledge and skills and providing them with valuable experiences. This also allows CPD providers to market their courses as accredited, and provide top quality courses, and therefore generate a higher total of satisfied students.

Health and Social Care

Yes – we offer bespoke accreditation, tailoring our accreditation to your specific course(s) and offering comprehensive mapping, allowing you to get what you require out of our accreditation process. We will also provide you with feedback and guidance during our approval process, building a strong understanding with trainers about how they can improve their courses.

Yes – we provide full course packages with over 100 subjects, including various Health and Social Care and specialist related courses. These courses are updated regularly to keep content relevant.

Accreditation ensures that training provides all necessary skills and knowledge needed to deliver high quality Health and Social Care. We can provide in-house training to help your trainers improve their skill set and maximise the overall satisfaction of those who use your courses.


Yes – we can provide bespoke accreditation for each your own courses to ensure the training that you provide is beneficial to your clients.

Yes – After completing your accreditation process, you will be entitled to our certification and able to market your CPD course as an Advantage accredited course.

Yes – unlike other Train the Trainer packages, we will provide you with all the educational resources you require in order to deliver high quality accredited training.

In order for quality training to be provided, it is important that the trainer providing such training is performing at a high standard and delivering training that is easily accessible and well presented. It is also important for a trainer to have great communication skills, in order to be able to provide useful, individual feedback- this can be ensured through accreditation.

Training Providers

Yes – we can provide bespoke accreditation for your own courses, catering our accreditation process to suit your needs and ensure you give the highest quality training possible.

Yes – After completing your accreditation process, you will be entitled to our certification and able to market your CPD course as an Advantage accredited course.

Yes – we offer an extensive list of accredited learning resources, created by industry professionals and mapped to the national quality frameworks. Click to find out more about the courses we offer.

Accreditation ensures training providers are well equipped to deliver high quality, up to date training. Becoming accredited proves to your clients that you care greatly about the quality of your courses, and allows you to further improve your courses through our advice and guidance.