The 25th Anniversary of NICE

At Advantage Accreditation, we specialise in accreditation for health and social care providers. We ensure our accredited centres and learning materials meet the standards of national bodies, including the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

NICE recently celebrated its 25th anniversary. 

Launched in April 1999, NICE was set up to evaluate the effectiveness of new interventions in the health and social care sector. This was in response to calls for a national, consistent, cost-effective approach to medicines and treatments. 

NICE guidance is based on independent advice and robust evidence. 

Read more about the 25-year story of NICE in their article.


NICE Today

We regularly update our learning materials and advice based on the latest NICE guidance. 

NICE recommends a new treatment for ulcerative colitis. We are investigating any relevant updates to our Stoma Care courses that may be necessary. 

A quick guide for improving oral health is available on the NICE website. This is relevant to our learning materials on Oral Health. 


If you have any questions about how we incorporate guidance from national bodies in our learning materials, please get in touch.
